Self Motivation Techniques: What Motivates You?

Self Motivation Techniques: What Motivates You?

“He’s not motivated.”  Have you ever heard yourself saying this?  The truth is we are all motivated.  We may not be motivated in ways that our managers prefer, but we are all motivated.  In reality, we can often create our own motivation using motivation techniques....
Families in Focus

Families in Focus

This is a chaotic time for families.  Suddenly we are all home together.  We are working, schooling, and living together. What an opportunity we have now that we may never have again!  Are you making the most of the possibilities that are right in front...
Mindfulness: What, Why, and How

Mindfulness: What, Why, and How

“We just need to be more mindful.” I’m hearing this statement frequently in answer to almost any question in my seminars.  While seeking clarification about meaning, I get a variety of responses from self-awareness to mature to compassion.  Mindfulness can...