5 Ways to Cultivate a Meaningful Work Environment

5 Ways to Cultivate a Meaningful Work Environment

The average CEO might equate salary, bonuses, and foosball tables with employee happiness, but the reality is that perks and pay aside, employees flourish most when they find meaning in what they do. In fact, meaningful work can help motivate employees and increase...
How to Develop an Authentic Leadership Style

How to Develop an Authentic Leadership Style

Authentic leadership requires constant adaptation from managers with the people over whom they have both formal and informal authority. That is to say, to effectively manage our teams, we must be able to strike a healthy balance between relating to them on a personal...
How Your Company Can Support Middle Managers 

How Your Company Can Support Middle Managers 

Middle managers are crucial allies in performance management, project profitability, change management, and employee engagement. They also tend to receive the least support in many organizations.  Unfortunately, middle managers are often caught in between meeting...