During this season, I am taking time to reflect upon the many worthwhile relationships and opportunities that surround us.  Our clients, associates, and volunteer partners across the world are a blessing.  We have so many people to be thankful for.  We appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year will bring you happiness and success. 

We want the best for you . . .  


I want everything to be in order and peaceful.  This is not my reality.  Almost everyday I am faced with a new challenge.  I’m sure you can identify.  At this time of year, I take stock of what we have already accomplished and look to the future.  It is uncharted and unpredictable.  At the same time, my past experience gives me confidence that we can solve and overcome the challenges that are ahead.  

In a chaotic world with people that depend on you as leaders, we want you to experience that same calm assurance that you will find practical solutions that make a difference.  We cannot predict the difficulties you may face, but we know that personal ownership practices will help you discover proactive solutions.  Worry, blaming, and complaining will not bring you resolution.  Taking personal responsibility and building a cohesive team of owners will show you the way and bring you peace despite the challenges. 


Tis’ the season to say thank you.  Part of taking stock is to pause long enough to remember and express appreciation to those who work beside us and who continue to mentor us through their own legacy. Join me in acknowledging these contributions. 

I would be remiss if I failed to mention Glen, Larry, Phil, Richard, and Jim.  These men are my heroes and role models.  They have influenced me in big and small ways to press forward, become a humble leader, and take risks for meaningful change.  As I write today, I am reminded of the many friends that surround me today as well.  You know who you are and you are likely reading this post.  Thank you for your acceptance despite my many imperfections. 


Do you understand how you influence everyone around you?  We impact others both positively and negatively with our attitudes and actions. 

My wife and I received a Christmas card this past week from some wonderful friends.  When I opened the card at my desk it was covered with some annoying glitter.  As I was cleaning and re-cleaning my desk and complaining about the glitter litter, it struck me that these friends rub off on you just like that.  Everywhere they go they leave a bit of themselves in positive and transformative ways.  I even left a little glitter there to remind me of them and the power of influence. 

Looking forward 

One of the people I work with signs off each email and written correspondence with “Looking Forward”. I adopted this closing as well a while ago because it is what I want to be.  I desire to be focused forward. I want to learn from the past while always leaning forward.  That’s my desire for you as well.  Let’s press forward and make a difference.   

By the time you receive this note, we will be just beginning the new year.  I hope to hear from you and engage with you in 2020!  Let’s make it the most effective year of our lives. 

Looking forward, 

Mark Cook 

Scale Your Organization

Over 75 collective years of experience in business performance and organizational leadership development.

Is Your Year To Scale Your Organization